Friday, December 2, 2011

The Little Things: Friday’s 5 things I love this week

Yay for Fridays!
1. Other Blogs – So my favorite thing to do while I eat my lunch these days is read blogs. I have a few friends who have blogs and update them frequently. It is so nice to know what is going on with everyone. There are also many other popular blogs that I love too. A new favorite is Sugar and Charm ( 

2. Christmas Music – Tis the season for Christmas music. I just love it. I usually respect the bird and wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start playing my CD’s. I just got the  Michael Buble Christmas. I love him, so how could I not love his Christmas CD.

3. DIY Craft Days – It has kinda become a tradition to get together with my sister and Patty in December and be crafty. We usually make a few presents to give to people and it is really fun. Hopefully this year’s idea works out!

4. ‘Angels’ by Marian Keyes – I just finished this book and loved it. Its an older one of hers, but still really good. Her books always take me a little bit to get into and they are usually long, but when I am done reading them, I am so happy I did. This one did not disappoint.

5. A Chance of snow – I am so excited that it’s probably going to snow. It was suppose to start at 4pm, but now it’s looking like 7pm. I really hope we get a few inches tonight, especially since tomorrow is Saturday and I don’t have to be anywhere to early tomorrow. If it’s going to be this cold, I want snow!

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